Lover of Saints

This blog is dedicated to Mawlana Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jayli, may Allah increase his lights and raise his stations. May we all drink from the oceans of the true lovers, the saints, the perfected beings and faithful servents of our Most Beloved Prophet Muhammad, may infinite peace and blessings be upon him, his family, and all his companions and followers.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Hikam of Ibn ‘Ata’illah / Chapter 8

And he said (may Allah be pleased with him!):

69. It is rare that divine inspirations [al-waridat al-ilahiyya] come except suddenly, and this, in order that they are protected from servant’s claiming them by virtue of the existence of receptivity [bi-wujud al-isti‘dad] on their part.

70. Infer the existence of ignorance in anyone whom you see answering all that he is asked or giving expression to all that he witnesses or mentioning all that he knows.

71. He made the Hereafter [ad-dar al-akhira] an abode to reward his believing servants only because this world cannot contain what He wishes to bestow upon them and because He deemed their worth too high to reward them in a world without permanence.

72. Whoever finds the fruit of his deeds [thamarat ‘amalihi] coming quickly [‘ajil] has proof of the existence of acceptance [al-qabul].

73. If you want to know your standing with Him, look at where He has made you abide now.

74. When He gives you obedience [at-ta‘a], making you unaware of it because of Him, then know that He has showered you liberally with His graces both inwardly and outwardly.


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